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Sport Coaching and Physical Literacy 

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In June 2020 the IPLA and PLnet Denmark hosted the webinar
"How physical literacy is or
could be influencing practices in
the sport coaching world" 
Simon Padley 
Dr Stephen Behan
Dr Paul Appleton 
About this webinar

The IPLA and PLnet Denmark are planning to host a series of webinars to discuss the concept of physical literacy. Our next webinar is planned to be on Tuesday 23rd June at 12 midday (BST)/1pm (CET). The focus of the webinar is ‘How physical literacy is or could be influencing practices in the sport coaching world’. There will be an initial presentation (10 minutes) from Simon Padley (Cheltenham Ladies College) and then a panel discussion with Stephen Behan (Dublin City University) and Paul Appleton (University of Birmingham). The discussion will last around 30 minutes and there will then be questions provided through the chat facility, by the hosts Nigel Green (IPLA) and Peter Elsborg ( PLnet Denmark ) for the final 20 minutes. 

About this webinar
Simon Padley 

Simon Padley is currently the Head of Hockey at Cheltenham Ladies College having spent the last 15 years as a Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching and Education. Simon has recently been accepted onto the Great Britain Hockey Advanced Coaches Programme and has coached high performance hockey as a Director of Coaching at Cheltenham Hockey Club and Head of Hockey at the University of Gloucestershire. Simon has written, researched, and delivered training for undergraduate and postgraduate students, level 3/4 coaches, primary and secondary teachers and been involved in National Governing Body Coach Education programmes for a variety of NGB’s. 

Dr Stephen Behan

Dr Stephen Behan, of Dublin City University’s School of Health and Human Performance and the Insight SFI Centre for Data Analytics. Stephen’s background is predominantly in coaching, and he worked for the Gaelic Athletic Association for nearly 10 years as a games promotion officer. This role would have entailed a lot of primary school coaching and delivering coach education courses. Stephen completed his PhD last year in the area of physical literacy and fundamental movement skills. His project, the Moving Well-Being Well project, involved over 2,000 primary school children and sought to measure all components of physical literacy, as well as piloting an intervention which successfully increased components of physical literacy. 

Dr Paul Appleton 

Dr Paul Appleton is currently a teaching fellow in the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Birmingham in the UK. His research centres on testing the Empowering CoachingTM family of training programmes and associated conceptual models in sport, Physical Education, and related contexts.

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