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Physical literacy / movement competence is an individual's competencies, motivation, self-confidence and understanding of participation in physical activities. UNESCO attaches great importance to the development of movement competence in the guidelines for physical education in schools, and in theory, movement competence is crucial for an individual's general health and level of physical activity throughout life. The health benefits of physical activity are well documented, but the long-term effects of interventions that seek to increase children's physical activity levels are moderate at best. Seen in the perspective of an entire life course, efforts aimed at movement competence will be more relevant for lifelong participation in physical activity than, for example, the level of physical activity alone. Development of movement competence early in life can therefore help to increase the population's physical, mental and social health. The health benefits of exercise competence are substantiated in a few studies from Canada, but there is a great need for more studies on the relationship between movement competence, future activity level and health-related factors, including physical, mental and social health. The project aims to investigate connections between Danish children's movement competence and physical, mental and social health. The first step is to develop a Danish instrument that can measure movement competence by translating, adapting and validating a well-established Canadian instrument.

Data are collected among 500 school children aged 8-12 years. The project will provide new and strong knowledge about Danish school children's movement competence and connections to their physical, mental and social health, and a new and behavior-oriented method for structuring measures to prevent inactive lifestyles. Our results will have an impact on the health and education sector, including sports and health promotion research as well as policies and approaches to movement in primary and lower secondary school and in association life. By targeting and evaluating strategies and efforts on the basis of movement competence, it is ensured that the effect does not disappear when the intervention or program ends. The project will make it possible to guide and evaluate concrete strategies and initiatives on the basis of knowledge of a concept that is more relevant for lifelong participation in physical activity than, for example, physical activity level alone, and which can therefore help increase the population's physical, mental and social health. The project will also produce a consensus statement on movement competence in a Danish context, for e.g. to facilitate consistency across sectors, institutions and professionals, as well as create consistency and clarity in communication.


The purpose of the project is to develop and disseminate a new standardized Danish measuring instrument for physical literacy for 8-12-year-old children by translating, adapting and validating a well-established Canadian instrument. The instrument contains the following:

  • A motor test that includes jumps, runs, kicks and throws.

  • The plank - a strength exercise.

  • A beep test that measures fitness.

  • Video questionnaires for children on tablet / iPad - answer questions about knowledge, self-confidence and motivation for participation in movement and physical activities

  • Motion meters - the children carry two motion meters; one Axivity AX3 accelerometer (Axivity, Newcastle, UK) fitted to the thigh with a patch, and one PiezoRX pedometer (LogYourSteps Inc., Canada) worn at the waist.

  • Daily questionnaire for child and parents who will be sent a mobile phone.

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